Orders can be placed online or by phone at (718) 663 - 4255 until
Friday, June 14th, 4pm.

Price: $15

37. Choice of Cellphone

Make your phone kosher! Stay connected, informed and entertained with the most up-todate phone --- Sponsored in memory of R' Shmuel Moshe HaKohen A"H ben Avigdor Chaim by the Katzman Family

38. Elegant Linen

The vast array of choices is yours when choosing linen for your Master, Guest or Children’s bedroom --- לעילוי נשמת ר׳משה אהרון בן נחום לייב Sponsored by Anonymous

39. $1,000 Visa Gift Card

So many dreams can come true when you win this $1,000 Visa gift card --- 1. Sponsored in honor of our children Menachem Mendel, Rivka and Sara 2. In honor of my brother AG and cousin MK, may they both find their shidduch bekarov!

40. Tickets to Anywhere in the USA

Two roundtrip tickets to anywhere in the continental USA --- Sponsored in memory of R' Shmuel Moshe HaKohen A"H ben Avigdor Chaim and in honor of his wonderful wife Devorah and his loving family

41. Kapote & More

Choose a ready-made men’s wool or silk kapota, shirt and tie from Primo/Sacho clothing --- Sponsored by Sacho & Rotter Family - Kapotas.com

42. Torah Learner's Paradise

This prize is a Torah learner’s paradise: win a $1,000 gift certificate for any Seforim you desire --- Sponsored L'iluy Nishmas Reb Shmuel Moshe HaKohen A"H ben Avigdor Chaim

43. Kirsh Jewelry

Add elegance to your appearance with a $1,000 Gift Certificate to Kirsh Jewelry. Choose from our magnificent selection of gold and diamond classics, or dive into our trends collections. There's something for everyone! --- לע’’נ פעסי’ה לאה הי’’ד בת שרגא פייוול ע’’ה לאפיין

44. Me'am Lo'ez

Me’am Lo’ez counted as one of the best commentaries written on the Torah. The Torah Anthology provides one of the clearest overviews of Chumash and Nach. --- Sponsored in honor of our Uncle Shmuel A"H by his Nieces & Nephews

45. B&H Gift Card

$1,000 Gift Card --- Sponsored by Naftali Marasow Studios

46. Gas Card

$1,000 Gift Card --- Sponsored in z'chus of a refuah Sheleima for Tzivya bas Rachel & לזכות כל המשפחה

47. Children's Shopping Spree

Dress your little ones with none of the financial stress with your $1,000 children’s shopping spree --- Sponsored L’iluy Nishmas Reb Shmuel Moshe HaKohen A"H ben Avigdor Chaim by Mechanchim around the world

48. Costco or BJ's

Shop Costco or BJ's with a $1,000 gift card --- לעילוי נשמת פריידה רחל בת משה

49. Ankarsrum Mixer

Create astonishingly fluffy challah, cakes and more with blazing speed. Known to mix up to 5lb of flour. --- Sponsore L'iluy nishmas Itzhak ben Shlomo A"H & in zechus of Sarah bas Bracha may she live happily and healthful till 120

50. $1,000 Groceries

Who doesn’t want to win carts full of free groceries – to the tune of $1,000 – at the grocery store of their choice --- Sponsored by Anonymous

51. Breville Espresso Barista Machine

Breville espresso machine with touch screen display, preprogrammed coffee menu and integrated grinder, plus a ThermaJet heating system to heat your brew in up to 3 seconds. --- L’iluy Nishmas R'Shmuel Moshe HaKohen A"H ben Avigdor Chaim Benjamin by his loving wife and children

52. MacBook Air 13.3

Sponsored by MG InFocus